Hello world . . . again!

So, there are a lot of new things going on in my graduate career right now, and this is also leading to a renewal of my efforts to accomplish other things I’ve previously wanted to do. I’m going to give the whole blogging thing another try. I think it can be a worthwhile way to explore (even if I’m the only participant) interesting issues pertaining to my research and perhaps other various topics as well. I’m going to make an honest and concerted effort to update this thing on a reasonably frequent basis; even if that means some of the posts will be tiny. I believe that one of the most effective ways to form a new habit is to force yourself to perform an activity frequently, until it becomes almost second nature.

Anyway, that’s all for now. By the way, for future reference, I’ve installed a LaTeX module for the blog so that you can include math with &#91latex&#93 . . . &#91/latex&#93 tags.

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