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This website is quite outdated, and rather "old school" (mostly hand-written HTML). It is in the process of being replaced by our new lab website, which you can find at Eventually, this URL will re-direct there, but this page still has some content that hasn't been moved there so I am leaving this "manual" redirect message up instead.

Brief Bio.


I am an associate professor in the Computer Science department at the University of Maryland. Before joining the Computer Science department at UMD, I was an assistant professor in the Computer Science department at Stony Brook University, from 2014 — 2019. Previously, I was a postdoctoral research associate working with professor Carl Kingsford in the Lane Center for computational biology at Carnegie Mellon University. I obtained my PhD in Computer Science at the University of Maryland, College Park, and defended my dissertation, Computationally Comparing Biological Networks and Reconstructing Their Evolution. My main research interests are in the design of algorithms and data structures for processing, organizing, indexing and querying high-throughput genomics data. I am also interested in the intersection between efficient algorithms and statistical inference. More broadly, I am also interested in programming languages, computer graphics, scientific visualization, parallel computation and machine learning. I also have recreational interests (though very little time to pursue them) in math, physics, music, politics and video games. While at Maryland, I've also had the pleasure of working closely with professor Amitabh Varshney on some problems relating to computer graphics and scientific visualization.


Curriculum Vitæ

Constantly a work in progress, my curriculum vitæ.


My public PGP key